The Curious Interview: Geoffrey Breton

Geoff Breton Wool & Water Bow Tie

Geoffrey Breton is an actor, director and filmmaker. His many acting credits include; The Diary of Anne Frank, The Deep Blue Sea, Separate Tables, The Rotters Club and The Old Curiosity Shop, to mention just a few.

We first met when playing brother and sister in the BBC drama 'The Rotters Club' over 10 years ago. After several months of working together we had developed such a special relationship we decided to simply stay brother and sister, which we have done, albeit with a much cherished friendship at the core. 

Geoffrey is the Associate Director of London based independent film production company Wolfheart Productions.

The Curious Interview with Geoffrey Breton

What are you most curious about?

A few days ago I actually found myself writing down “make stories which get to people, which touch their hearts and inspire them in their own lives and worlds” I realised that it’s the very thing I enjoy about films, plays and books and want to achieve in my own films and performances and perhaps one day books.

I’m also becoming increasingly curious about wine and exploring some kind of wine course/ qualification. I feel like I know a thing or two from lots of sampling over the years and often friends will defer to me on occasion of a wine list (my dad is French). I’d like to be able to actually clarify my knowledge on an already well committed hobby.

How does your curiosity serve your creativity?

I suppose if you’re professionally creative then the things you're curious about naturally (mostly) become the things you get creatively involved with. I get creative about the things I’m newly curious about, for example a gripping but unusual story in the news may lead to me developing a film script. Or spotting a man in the street, all physically twisted up on the end of a cigarette, a life time of addiction evident in his mangled physicality, I’ll be briefly fascinated by him then store it and draw from it one day in a performance or a piece of direction.

What inspires you?

Motorcycle’s inspire me. My girlfriend the Dutch singer and actress Sanne den Besten inspires me. Travel, food, friends…

When Alan Rickman died, I read so many wonderful things about him, but one in particular was how he would urge actors to always go out and watch things, look at things, read, go to galleries and exhibitions and to always be refining your individual tastes and opinions on art and the world so that when you have a script in front of you, you have your own unique experience and view through which to channel that script. I find that hugely inspiring. So I guess it’s important that if one isn’t feeling particularly inspired, change the scenery, get out and see stuff, find new things.

How would you describe your style?

I think I magpie quite a bit, like most people but I definitely think I know how to put clothes together, with style or colour. I like formal and enjoy mixing tailoring with a bit of scruffy.  
I enjoy changing my style daily, from very suited to a more grungey over-sized jumper paired with well-worn boots and jeans. I love tattoos and have several although this seems to surprise people.

I appreciate well made garments and am much more likely these days to spend money on things that last or are the ‘best quality’ in their field. A pair of Churches perhaps, above all other smart shoes. I’ve worn Redwing boots almost consistently for the past 5 years, I have 5 pairs and love them - the craftsmanship, the quality and how they age beautifully.

What do you particularly like about Wool & Water?

I like that Wool & Water have carved out their own unique place in the clothing industry, doing something rather brilliant. Knowing that each piece has been hand-made, checked and quality controlled throughout the process, with the care of someone who would wear it and cherish it themselves, results in a brand I consider so dependable and a piece that will last for decades.

People love W&W because the pieces can be worn in almost any situation, paired with so many different outfits and looks, they’re affordable and durable and nobody else is doing what they are doing. You know each Bow-Tie or Tie has been individually created by a person with skill and devotion.

‘When I wear my Bow Tie I…’

...feel, whatever the outfit I’m wearing, is completed with finesse and humour. I feel smart but comfortable with plenty of class, a foot in heritage and yet totally modern. I love putting it on, because there is always an easy excuse to wear it.

Geoffrey Breton's Wool & Water Bow Tie of choice is 'The Hawkhurst' [Editor Note: This design has now sold out, se the full available range here]

Keep up with Geoffrey's creative adventures on both stage and screen, in front and behind the camera by following him on Twitter / Instagram @gbretski or via Wolfheart Productions @WolfheartFilms

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